Blog — denver

Denver Thunderstorm II - 14x18

blue and gold colorado denver thunderstorm

I'm enjoying working with the same subject on different painting surfaces, rough and fine canvas, panel, and linen.  It's amazing what a different look some of the surfaces create. 

Oil on stretched canvas, sides painted
14x18 inches

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Colorado Rockies - Daily Landscape Painting - 8x8

8x8 clouds colorado landscape oil painting daily landscape painting daily painting for sale denver rocky mountains

Clouds are a bit tricky to me, I used to be really good at them, but they also turned out super realistic and that's not really what I want. I guess I'll just keep painting, and hope I figure it out.

rocky mountains
Oil on panel, 8x8 inches

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Winter Night - Daily Painting

colorado daily painting denver landscape oil painting night scene original landscape original oil painting sharon schock snow

There's a light buried in a tree on the corner of our street, and for some reason when night falls (and especially when it snows) it looks so beautiful.

Colorado winter oil painting

6x6, oil on 3/8 inch thick gessobord panel


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Denver Skyline - Daily painting

colorado daily painting denver landscape sharon schock skyline

This is another version of my previous painting that I did for my husband. I think I might like this one better than the first.

denver daily painting
6x6 inches, oil on gessobord panel

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Denver from City Park - daily painting

daily painting denver landscape sharonschock

This one is part of my husband's Valentine's day gift, even though it's already in his office.

6x6 oil on deep stretched canvas, not for sale

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