Oh man has it been gloomy here lately! June is definitely living up to it's reputation. Luckily I've hoarded lots of reference photos of sunnier times for weeks like this, I guess I'm like a squirrel, or an ant....anything as long as it keeps me from having to paint gray things.
Another big one today. I've had these canvases sitting around forever because I really hate painting on canvas, but this sort of painting on them isn't so bad.
I had a lot of fun painting this one, I especially liked the way the clouds turned out. Which is good, I'm sure I'll be painting many more cloudy scenes now that June gloom is upon us.
There's a certain part of my new neighborhood that really reminds me of the Dharma houses in Lost...I thinks it's because they're all painted in pastel colors or bright yellow. I feel like I should look out for polar bears when I walk through it.
I want to do a giveaway soon (where I would giveaway one of my small 6x6 paintings). But I can't decide which would be a better choice, a landscape or a still life? Anyone have thoughts about which they would rather win?
So a landscape giveaway might look a little like this one:
And a still life giveaway would probably be of avocados (so fun to paint) and might look a little like this: