Blog — california daily painting

Bailard Avenue - Carpinteria Landscape Painting - 6x12

california daily painting california landscape carpinteria landscape oil painting dawn palm trees sunrise

I feel like it's been forever since I had anything to put in my etsy shop! This painting turned out better than I thought it would, I might turn it into something larger later on.

Oil on panel, 6x12 inches
To view this painting in my shop click here

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Sunset Palms - California Oil Painting - 12x24

california coast california daily painting carpinteria oil painting daily painting for sale large palms santa barbara sharon schock

This is the sister piece to the one I did a few days ago Sunrise Palms. It's also hanging at Corktree Cellars. I'm very happy with both of them :)

Oil on cradled panel, 12x24 inches
Contact me for purchase information

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May Sunset - Carpinteria Oil Painting - 18x24

beach bright green california coast california daily painting carpinteria landscape palm tree painting sunset

This is another large painting that I did for the show. I gave that awful panel another chance, I added another coat of gesso first, it helped a little, but I'm still not impressed.

This show was a great push for me. I usually view my small 6x6 paintings as like an oil sketch, and then if I really like the composition and colors then I can turn it into something larger. But the problem is I get...

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Clouds in the Salt Marsh - Carpinteria Oil Painting - 18x24

18x24 blue california coast california daily painting carpinteria salt marsh clouds large ocean purple

My show at Corktree Cellars goes up tomorrow, I'm excited but I'm nervous too. Ever since I found out (8 days ago) I've been painting non stop... large, and non stop. I felt like I was in school again, and I had a cumulative final that I wasn't prepared for at all. But I did manage to finish 5 new large pieces, this is one of them:

Oil on panel, 18x24 inches

I was trying out a new painting...

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Carpinteria Cypress - Landscape Oil Painting - 5x5

5x5 oil painting california daily painting carpinteria beach painting cypress tree daily painting for sale original landscape painting small oil painting

Carpinteria has some pretty distinct trees and this is definitely one of them :) It's unique shape makes it really fun to draw....although it kind of reminds me of a bad hair day.

Oil on Ampersand Gessobord, 5x5 inches

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