Blog — california daily painting

California Sketch - Palette Knife Painting - 6x6

California california coast california daily painting carpinteria bluffs oil painting daily painting for sale palette knife painting

I did another one of these palette knife paintings today, I'm also working on a few other paintings...they'll be up soon. I'm not going to type much today, my wrist is killing me! and I have no idea why!

But if you need a laugh I recommend this post, I laughed so hard I cried and could hardly breath. Amazing.

Oil on canvas panel - 6x6 inches

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The Lonely Lifeguard Tower - Carpinteria Beach Oil Painting - 6x6

california daily painting carpinteria beach painting daily painting for sale landscape oil painting lifeguard tower santa barbara oil painting

The rain kept on, so this photo isn't great either. It's not even rain, it's just enough drizzle that I can't set a painting down. I've painted this lifeguard tower before, but in a group of three, I think I like this simpler one a little better.

Oil on Ampersand Gessobord, 6x6 inches

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Carpinteria Bluffs V - California Daily Landscape Painting - 5x7

5x7 blue california daily painting carpinteria bluffs oil painting landscape oil painting orange sharon schock

Happy 4th everyone!

I couldn't get a very good shot of this one, it was raining outside so my options were kind of limited. In person I was really happy with it though :)

We're still in Eureka, it's kind of like another country here. We ran the 5K around the lake yesterday and instead of giving us bananas or oranges at the end, they gave us kuchen....I think that's how you spell it anyway...I don't...

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Carpinteria Bluffs IV - California Daily Landscape Painting - 6x6

california daily painting carpinteria bluffs oil painting carpinteria landscape cliff nature preserve ocean santa barbara sunset

We leave for our 4th of July trip to South Dakota tomorrow, I'm excited because I've never been there, and hopefully I'll get some good reference shots for later paintings. I'm not sure what to expect, but I hear there will be buffaloes and pheasants, and possibly thunderstorms. If there's a thunderstorm I'll be a happy for the whole trip.

As for blogging, I've painted ahead so there will be new...

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