Doing all of these paintings of thunderstorms is making me have dreams about them...last night I had to hide in my closet because there was a tornado was much more effective than it would have been in real life :)
This painting was the hardest one I've ever had to photograph. It caused me to read my camera manual from cover to cover (something I've been putting off for months)....only to find out that the manual covers only basic charging the battery, turning it on, and how it's not a good idea to drop it. I am now in a search for book, or secondary manual, or anything really that will unveil...
The thing I miss the most about Denver is definitely the summer thunderstorms. It's nice that the beach is here...but not when "May Gray" and "June Gloom" have turned into "Fogust"... I haven't heard of one for July, but that was cloudy too. Now if it was thunderstorming here I wouldn't have a complaint at all :)
I don't usually like painting animals, but I figured I couldn't visit South Dakota and not paint a cow. They were shinier than I thought so that part was fun. Also baby cows are the cutest!
Just another foggy morning. I'm really enjoying painting the actual clouds, but I miss painting the shadows that sunlight brings, sometimes without them things just feel a little dull to me. But I usually like things really maybe this just brings it down to a normal level :) I am fond of how this one turned out.
I'm also working on a painting for another giveaway, it should start...