I confronted my fear the other day and set up outside to paint. I enjoyed it SO much, even though it was windy, and strangely cloudy (really high clouds that made the ocean brown!). I love my plein air set up, I think I made a great choice, it was just as comfortable as painting in my studio.
I was nervous about what would happen when I brought the painting inside...would the colors be way...
What a blessed month I'm having! Etsy sales are good, I've gotten great reviews from the show at Corktree, and yesterday I was accepted into the Santa Barbara Art Association! I got my feedback from the jurors and they only had good comments (not very helpful, but it also didn't kill my spirit, which is good). I love September :)
I found this interesting tree on the Carpinteria Bluffs one morning. This was also a strange angle to paint it from, but I really like how it turned out.
Busy busy day today, but it ends with homemade apple crisp :) yum!