Blog — bright green

Autumn Light - Palette Knife Oil Painting - 10x10

10x10 oil painting black bright green california landscape painting daily oil painting dawn morning palette knife painting yellow

I had a lot of fun with this one. These palette knife paintings are always so messy, I end up with paint in my hair, on my face, just everywhere!

palette knife painting
Oil on panel, 10x10 inches

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May Sunset - Carpinteria Oil Painting - 18x24

beach bright green california coast california daily painting carpinteria landscape palm tree painting sunset

This is another large painting that I did for the show. I gave that awful panel another chance, I added another coat of gesso first, it helped a little, but I'm still not impressed.

This show was a great push for me. I usually view my small 6x6 paintings as like an oil sketch, and then if I really like the composition and colors then I can turn it into something larger. But the problem is I get...

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Avocado Adorable - Still life oil painting - 6x12

avocado daily painting avocado painting avocado still life blue stripes bright green cream daily painting for sale sharon schock still life oil painting

I love these guys :) and boy did we have a lot of guacamole afterwards.

Oil on panel, 6x12 inches, 3/8" thick

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The Expressive Avocado - Still Life Oil Painting - 6x6

abstract avocado daily painting avocado knife painting bright green daily painting for sale daily still life painting palette knife painting

I thought it would be fun to try a still life using the palette knife... the first photo is the finished painting and the one below it is how I started it out. I had a specific idea of how I wanted it to turn out, and I thought the best way to accomplish that would be by having a pretty good underpainting first. I don't really like leaving parts of the board exposed, and by painting it all in...

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Summer Feelings - Daily Painting - 8x8

8x8 blue boat bright green landscape oil painting shadows sharon schock south dakota summer trees white house

This was the view from on of the upstairs windows at Grandma's house in South Dakota. I loved how green and summery it was, and how the sun was shining on those bright white buildings.

summer painting
Oil on panel, 8x8 inches

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