Blog — boat

Summer Feelings - Daily Painting - 8x8

8x8 blue boat bright green landscape oil painting shadows sharon schock south dakota summer trees white house

This was the view from on of the upstairs windows at Grandma's house in South Dakota. I loved how green and summery it was, and how the sun was shining on those bright white buildings.

summer painting
Oil on panel, 8x8 inches

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The Edge - Carpinteria Bluffs Landscape Painting - 4x8

blue boat california coast california landscape painting daily oil painting daily painting for sale island ocean orange

I found this little 4x8 canvas in my stash of painting materials and decided it would be perfect for this colorful little scene.

Oil on canvas panel, 4x8 inches


Also my new business cards came in! I don't live in Denver anymore so my last ones were a little outdated. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I also made magnets that I can include in packages I ship out. Yes, I was having fun...

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Amsterdam Sunset - Landscape Oil Painting - 6x6

amsterdam painting boat daily oil painting daily painting for sale dutch landscape europe landscape oil painting sunset water

I love how this one turned out, it's just made me happy all day! Definitely one of my favorites.

Amsterdam Oil Painting by Sharon Schock
Oil on Ampersand panel, 6x6 inches - SOLD
To purchase this painting click here

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3rd Street - Carpinteria Landscape - 6x6

boat california coast california landscape carpinteria painting daily painting daily painting for sale dawn morning santa barbara

I loved how bright this grass was in the sun this morning. I also liked the bright blue of the boat cover next to it...but I couldn't get it as bright as it actually was, even though I have probably 7 different blues to work with.

Oil on Ampersand Gessobord, 6x6 inches

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