
A little Santa Barbara

landscape oil painting original landscape original oil painting santa barbara santa barbara oil painting

I'm missing Santa Barbara, so I'm going to paint it for a while

oil on canvas

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Day 5

blue orange peaches sharon schcock simple still life still life oil painting wine

Peaches are tricker than I expected them to be

oil on canvas

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Day 4

daily painting landscape oil painting pear oil painting pear still life simple still life still life oil painting

I'm very happy with today's painting:

oil on canvas

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Day 3

daily painting lemons oil painting original oil painting pear still life peppers simple still life still life oil painting

I never realized how fun lemons were to paint until today!

oil on canvas

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Day 2

apples oil painting sharon schcock still life still life oil painting

The experiment continues:

oil on canvas


The results are better today, I think.

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