Blog — sharon schock

Shoreline Beach Cafe - Original Oil Painting - 12x12

california daily painting leadbetter beach painting sharon schock shock

Blue skies and white buildings always make me want to paint...

Oil on panel, 12x12 inches
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Goleta Tower - Original Oil Painting - 12x12

carpinteria studio tour goleta beach painting sharon schock studio sale

I really liked how this one turned out, which I never thought would happen, considering I was angry at it from the moment I started it. It was supposed to be a fun experiment, I don't know why it annoyed me so much. I gave this piece a bright cadmium scarlet base, so that little spots of red could show throw and add some warmth to an otherwise cool painting. I didn't realize that underpaintings on...

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Our Town IV - Original Oil Painting - 8x10

california palm trees carpinteria first friday carpinteria painting sharon schock small town painting

Continuing the series, I'm really happy with this one, I'm glad I live in such a colorful place :)  

Oil on panel, 8x10 inches

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Salt Marsh Sunrise - 12x24

California carpinteria salt marsh daily painting daily painting for sale sharon schock shock

Most of the time I hate painting on canvas, but for certain subjects I prefer it, I don't know what it is! 

Oil on stretched canvas, 12x24 inches
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Bailard Palms - Carpinteria Landscape Oil Painting - 16x20

beach decor california palm trees carpinteria daily painting sharon schock sunset palms

These were some of my favorite palm trees in Carp, they were such a good shape! Then they decided to cut them up a few weeks ago, now they're just boring.  This was painted from one of my last reference photos of them. 

Oil on panel, 16x20 inches
Click here to view in my shop 

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