Blog — purple

Avocado Purple - Still Life Oil Painting - 6x12

avocado oil painting avocado still life purple sharon schock

It's Friday, it's super warm out, and my husband has the day off of work, that means it's beach time! I'll just have to paint later tonight :)

Oil on cradled panel, 6x12 inches

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Clouds in the Salt Marsh - Carpinteria Oil Painting - 18x24

18x24 blue california coast california daily painting carpinteria salt marsh clouds large ocean purple

My show at Corktree Cellars goes up tomorrow, I'm excited but I'm nervous too. Ever since I found out (8 days ago) I've been painting non stop... large, and non stop. I felt like I was in school again, and I had a cumulative final that I wasn't prepared for at all. But I did manage to finish 5 new large pieces, this is one of them:

Oil on panel, 18x24 inches

I was trying out a new painting...

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Avocado and Purple - Still life oil painting - 8x8

avocado oil painting avocado still life bright green daily oil painting purple still life oil painting

Today we're driving to South Dakota, we left at 6 this morning and right now we're in a little town called Valentine in Nebraska. So far it's greener over here than I expected, way better than driving through Utah and Nevada! I think we have another 4 hours before we get to Eureka SD. Oh and we saw a reindeer!

Oil on panel, 8x8 inches, 3/8" thick

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Lemon Love - Still life oil painting - 12x12

basket daily painting for sale fruit lemons purple still life painting yellow

I wanted to give up on this painting so many times. But I fought through it, and five hours later I had this.

And tomorrow I get to participate in my first "First Friday Artwalk", here in Carpinteria. I'm very excited, and hoping more of my paintings dry by then so I can show them!

Oil on stretched canvas, 12x12 inches

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