Blog — palms

Cabrillo Palms - 6x12

cabrillo santa barbara California palms sharon schock sunrise

I decided to try out these linen panels.  They're smoother than canvas panels, but have more texture than my usual gessobord panel (they're also more expensive).  I haven't decided if I like it or not yet, I'll need to paint a few more and see what happens. 

Oil on linen panel, 6x12 inches 

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Corner House Carpinteria - 6x6

california daily painting carpinteria landscape daily painting for sale palms

One of the best things about living in a little beach town is all the brightly colored houses around :) If I owned a house here I would have such a hard time deciding on what color it should be! 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches
Click here to view in my shop

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Linden Avenue Morning - Landscape Oil Painting - 6x6

california oil painting carpinteria landscape oil painting coastal trees palms

This is what November looks like here.... 

It did get a little chilly the past few days, and somehow it's colder in the house than it is outside? We don't have a heater, but lots of blankets will be just fine :) 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches
To view this painting in my shop click here

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After the Rain - Carpinteria Landscape Oil Painting - 6x6

beach california daily painting carpinteria beach painting downtown linden avenue palms small town

Another painting of downtown Carpinteria, I loved the color of these clouds! 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches
To view this painting in my shop click here

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Sunset Palms - California Oil Painting - 12x24

california coast california daily painting carpinteria oil painting daily painting for sale large palms santa barbara sharon schock

This is the sister piece to the one I did a few days ago Sunrise Palms. It's also hanging at Corktree Cellars. I'm very happy with both of them :)

Oil on cradled panel, 12x24 inches
Contact me for purchase information

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