Blog — main street

Linden Sunset - 6x12

california daily painting carpinteria carpinteria linden avenue daily painting for sale main street

Judging went well yesterday, I wish my high school had an art program like that! They even had ceramics and sculpture! 

Below is my attempt to capture one of the prettiest times of day (in my opinion), unfortunately it's also one of the most fleeting.  

Oil on panel, 6x12 inches

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Our Town III - Original Oil Painting - 9x12

369 california oil painting carpinteria linden avenue daily painting daily painting for sale main street

I made lots of progress on my huge painting yesterday, I think I'll be able to finish it today.  The painting below is my new favorite from my "Our Town" series.  I'm trying to decide on what type of painting I should do for the "Carp-A-Cabana" posters this year.  I'm having a little trouble deciding...

Oil on panel, 9x12 inches
Click here to view in my shop

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