Blog — carpinteria beach painting

Carpinteria Cypress - Landscape Oil Painting - 5x5

5x5 oil painting california daily painting carpinteria beach painting cypress tree daily painting for sale original landscape painting small oil painting

Carpinteria has some pretty distinct trees and this is definitely one of them :) It's unique shape makes it really fun to draw....although it kind of reminds me of a bad hair day.

Oil on Ampersand Gessobord, 5x5 inches

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The Lonely Lifeguard Tower - Carpinteria Beach Oil Painting - 6x6

california daily painting carpinteria beach painting daily painting for sale landscape oil painting lifeguard tower santa barbara oil painting

The rain kept on, so this photo isn't great either. It's not even rain, it's just enough drizzle that I can't set a painting down. I've painted this lifeguard tower before, but in a group of three, I think I like this simpler one a little better.

Oil on Ampersand Gessobord, 6x6 inches

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