Blog — avocado daily painting

Avocado Adorable - Still life oil painting - 6x12

avocado daily painting avocado painting avocado still life blue stripes bright green cream daily painting for sale sharon schock still life oil painting

I love these guys :) and boy did we have a lot of guacamole afterwards.

Oil on panel, 6x12 inches, 3/8" thick

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Avocado and Stripes - Still Life Oil Painting - 5x5

5x5 oil painting avocado daily painting avocado oil painting blue stripes daily painting for sale green still life oil painting

I think this little still life turned out really cute, especially in the little frame I found for it. I bought a bunch of these frames to bring with me to first friday this week, it's going to be fun!
Oil on Ampersand Gessobord, 5xx inches

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The Expressive Avocado - Still Life Oil Painting - 6x6

abstract avocado daily painting avocado knife painting bright green daily painting for sale daily still life painting palette knife painting

I thought it would be fun to try a still life using the palette knife... the first photo is the finished painting and the one below it is how I started it out. I had a specific idea of how I wanted it to turn out, and I thought the best way to accomplish that would be by having a pretty good underpainting first. I don't really like leaving parts of the board exposed, and by painting it all in...

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The Large Avocado - Still life oil painting - 10x10

avocado avocado daily painting avocado still life daily painting for sale green sharon schock still life oil painting

I meant to paint this on one of my 12x12 panels...I didn't even notice I had picked up the wrong size until I tried to put the frame on....ugh.
avocado oil painting
Oil on hardboard panel, 10x10 inches

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Avocado Blue - Still life oil painting - 6x6

avocado daily painting avocado oil painting avocado still life blue bright green still life oil painting

Travel day to Denver! We're stopping in Denver and then driving to South Dakota (any tips for how to not hate car rides are welcome :) I miss Denver! so I'm happy we get to see it for at least a little while.

Oil on Ampersand Gessobord, 6x6 inches

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