Blog — daily painting for sale

Worker Bee Cafe - 6x6

carpinteria daily painting for sale urban landscape

My computer hates me today! 

Here's a part of Linden Ave. that I haven't painted yet, which is surprising because it's my favorite part.  The shops are so colorful at this end. 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

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Sunset Colors - 6x6

california beach town carpinteria daily painting for sale palm trees sunset

I absolutely love this time of day, when everything gets all golden, it adds beauty to things that I wouldn't have noticed before. 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

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Going Home - Original Oil Painting - 5x7

399 california daily painting carpinteria daily painting for sale sunset yellow house

I love this time of day, not quite sunset, but almost.  The light is just perfect then. 

Oil on panel, 5x7 inches

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Corner House Carpinteria - 9x12

california beach town carpinteria painting daily painting for sale palm trees yellow house

I liked the small version I did of this house so much that I knew I needed to do a larger one.  

Oil on panel, 9x12 inches
 Click here to view in my shop

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Grump - 6x6

daily painting for sale sea birds seagull

Zach said this guy was upset because someone took his snack...that's what I thought too. 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

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