Blog — fruit still life

Clean - Lemon Still Life Oil Painting - 5x5

5x5 oil painting blue citrus daily oil painting daily painting for sale fruit still life lemons white yellow

It's going to be a busy and long weekend, I'm very excited! Zach named this little painting, because it "made him feel clean".

lemon still life by sharon schock
Oil on ampersand gessobord, 5x5 inches - SOLD
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Yellow on Blue - Lemon Still Life Oil Painting - 6x6

daily painting daily painting for sale eggshell blue fruit still life lemons still life oil painting yellow

Another little still life for today, using the same technique as yesterday. I love how the brushstrokes on the plate turned out, they are exactly what I wanted. I don't usually use these panels for still lifes, I feel like they're a little to smooth for such open shapes, but I really enjoyed working on them for these last two paintings.

lemon still life by Sharon Schock
Oil on Ampersand Gessobord, 6x6 inches

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Plate for Two - Still life oil painting - 6x6

apples blue daily painting for sale fruit still life red simple still life still life oil painting

A very happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there :)

A little still life for today. I was trying out a slightly different process while I painted this one. I usually lay down a sort of brownish ground and then pencil in my composition on top, well I ran out of lead in my pencil, and since we're still in temp housing there were no other pencils around. So this one was marked in with paint...that...

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Ok I'll Share - Avocado Still Life Oil Painting - 8x8

8x8 avocado avocado still life bright still life fruit still life oil painting for sale small oil painting

I was hoping that this weekend would be sunny and beautiful so I could get more shots of the town to paint. That was not the case, so I was stuck painting still lifes... ok I'm not really complaining... but I did want to hang out at the beach more :)

Oil on canvas panel, 8x8 inches - SOLD
To purchase this painting click here

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Three's A Crowd - Still life oil painting - 6x12

blue daily painting fruit still life orange still life oil painting tangerine still life

I can't think of a whole lot to write about this one.... I wanted it to be simple and I wanted it to be colorful. And I love orange and blue together, so tangerines were an obvious choice :)

Oil on a 6x12 inch canvas panel

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