Blog — daily painting

Anapamu Morning - 5x7

California daily painting first united methodist church santa barbara sharon schock

I really liked the top of this church tower rising above the trees, with the sun shining on it just perfectly. 

Oil on panel, 5x7 inches 

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Miramar Umbrellas - 6x6

cabrillo santa barbara California daily painting miramar beach montecito sharon schock

I can't believe I had never been to Miramar beach until recently.  It's definitely an intriguing place, and there will be more paintings of it to come...

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

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East Beach Early Morning - 5x7

beach painting cabrillo santa barbara cafe daily painting east beach palm trees sharon schock

I was really surprised with how much I liked this one once it was finished.  I didn't think I was going to be able to convey how it felt that morning at East Beach, the early morning sun, trying hard to break through the last bit of lingering fog.  

Oil on panel, 5x7 inches
Available at the Palm Loft Gallery, August 2011 

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Kevin - 6x6

blue heron daily painting egret sea birds sharon schock

This is one of my favorite birds, I call him Kevin.  I would have loved if the sun was out when I found him, but the sky was determined to be cloudy that day.  

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

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Little Tangerine - 6x6

daily painting orange sharon schock simple still life still life oil painting tangerine still life

I have so much fun with the shadows from these tangerines. 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

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